Tag Archives: exercise

2013 Has A lot to Answer For

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Happy New Year one and all!

I must say that I’m excited to say goodbye to 2012. It started off great and held a lot of promise, what with a promotion, getting into (and starting) grad school, getting straight A’s (yup, I’m a smarty pants), and getting to go apple picking, however there were a few major dark days that I couldn’t overlook and turned the overall 2012 into a nightmare.

However, I had friends and loved one carry me through it, and I couldn’t be happier for my current support system.

In any case, 2013 has a lot to answer for. I’m expecting great things, and although I wont’ make resolutions I guess my new mantra will have to be “be better, be your best, and don’t be lazy”.

So far I’ve made myself dinner for the next few days and planned out a menu for the next few weekends when I’ll be feeding not only myself but Boyfriend as well. 2013 has started off with a great anniversary (HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO US!) and a lovely dinner at The Melthing Pot, a fancy-shmancy fondue restaurant. Not to mention a gorgeous kitty necklace. It’s gold and shiny and just the right length and I’ll never take it off. Never.

photo 1 photo 2

I’ve already named it Daphne. That’s right, the cat pendant is Daphne. Say “Hello”, everyone.

But I digress. Going back to the expectations I have for the new year: I expect myself to be disciplined enough to save up for at least three vacation trips, regardless of the season, where I have to stay overnight. I expect myself to not be lazy (as stated above) when it comes to working out, and cooking; I do love to cook but sometimes I just feel like getting Taco Bell instead, and that’s something that’s gotta stop. Seriously.

In terms of fancy, I expect myself to save up enough money that I can buy a set of undies and a bra from Agent Provocateur.  Best lingerie in the world, in my opinion and in a few other peoples.

So far, my lust is this set:

lovely #1

lovely #2

It’s not so much the fancy factor that is played to my liking here, although that certainly helps, but it’s a way of self indulgence that I think everyone is entitled to, at least once a year, regardless of it’s it a pair of $500 shoes, or a pair of lingerie that costs half your rent.

Personally I don’t have room for shoes at the moment, so the latter will have to do. And it does, beautifully.

So far, 2013 has been good and considering it’s only the second day of the year, I’m ever hopeful.

Good night!